The Circulate Live Show (26 November 2022)

The Circulate Live Show

Date: Saturday, 26 November 2022

Time: 18:00 UAE time (GMT+4)

Sponsored by :




Fighting Stroke- Dyslipidemia (20 Nov 2022)

Fighting Stroke- Dyslipidemia

Date: 20-Nov 2022

Time: 20:00 – 21:15 UAE Time (GMT +4)

Organized by :








Endorsed by :

Latest Advances in treatment of HF and management of T2D and CVD Wave (22 October 2022)

Latest Advances in treatment of HF and management of T2D and CVD Wave

Date: Saturday, 22 October 2022

Time: 20:00 – 21:45 UAE Time (GMT+4)

Endorsed By:

Sponsored By: 


Fighting Stroke- Hypertension (25th of September 2022)

Fighting Stroke- Hypertension
Date: 25th  September 2022

Time: 20:00-21:30 UAE Time PM (GMT+4)





Date: 17-18 June 2022
Venue: Grand Hyatt Dubai, UAE
CME DHA Applied
Hybrid Event


Recent Updates & the New Guidelines
Heart Failure Program aims at highlighting and summarizing key topics in Heart Failure and providing a review on the burden of heart failure as one of the leading causes of disability and mortality worldwide

Heart Failure Program will discuss the latest evidence about heart failure and particularly the new guidelines that will be released in the annual conference of the European Society of Cardiology ESC, presented by eminent regional and international speakers.

Heart Failure Program is supported by the Emirates Cardiac Society and Gulf Heart Association in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association

Fighting Stroke-Atrial Fibrillation (21 May 2022)

Fighting Stroke-Atrial Fibrillation

Date: 21-May 2022

Time: 20:00 – 21:30 UAE Time (GMT +4)

In Collaboration With

Supported by

Sponsored by

The Year in Cardiology (18-19 Feb 2022)

The Year in Cardiology

Date: 18-19 February 2022

Time: 15:00 UAE Time

Venue: Le Meridien Dubai Hotel

The Year in Cardiology aims at highlighting and summarizing key topics in cardiology of the year 2021-2022. The event will provide a broad overview of the novelties published or presented at major international meeting and of the trials and guidelines released in 2021 by the principal scientific societies.

The Conference is intended to provide the practicing physician with the most up-to-date information in the latest scientific guidelines and at the same time give a comprehensive update of novel insights relevant both to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Year in Cardiology is organized by the Emirates Cardiac Society in collaboration with Translational Medicine Academy and Angina Awareness Initiative.

ECG in Ischemic Heart Disease (5 FEB, 2022)

ECG in Ischemic Heart Disease

Date: 5 FEB 2022

Time: 19:00-21:00 UAE Time

CME applied

Supported by

“Getting to The Heart of It”-Covid and Cardiovascular Disease (29 January 2022)

“Getting to The Heart of It”-Covid and Cardiovascular Disease

Date: Saturday 29 January 2022

Time: 19:00-21:00 UAE Time

Supported by